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Recipes and Cooking


Magdalena Roze's Eggs, Greens & Cheese Pie

Magdalena Roze's Eggs, Greens & Cheese Pie


  • Olive oil
  • 375g filo pastry, thawed
  • 11 eggs (or a dozen depending on the size of eggs)
  • 500g mixed greens (spinach, kale, silverbeet leaves), chopped
  • 1 brown onion, finely diced
  • 2-3 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 200g feta
  • 200g ricotta
  • 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
  • 2 tbsp breadcrumbs
  • Zest of 1/2 lemon
  • 1/4 cup mint leaves, chopped
  • 1/4 cup parsley, chopped
  • 1/4 cup dill, chopped
  • 2 tbsp sesame seeds
  • Lemon wedges, to serve


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees (fan forced) and grease a 28cm round baking dish or cast-iron pan with olive oil.
  2. Put the filo sheets on a work surface and cover with a damp tea towel to prevent them from drying out.
  3. Place all the greens in a large pot on medium heat with the lid on and “sweat” them until they wilt. Remove from heat and set aside in a colander to drain and cool. Once cool, squeeze any excess water and chop into smaller pieces. This step prevents the crust from getting soggy. Place them into a large bowl.
  4. Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a pan and cook the onion on medium heat until soft and lightly golden, then set aside to cool.
  5. Now add the cooled onion, garlic, ricotta, nutmeg, lemon zest and herbs to the greens and mix well with a wooden spoon. Crumble the feta, ensuring that the pieces aren’t too small as they’ll break up as you combine all the ingredients. Mixing the ingredients with your hands creates a nice even texture without over-mixing. Add two beaten eggs, combine, and then add the breadcrumbs and stir briefly to just combine.
  6. Use two sheets of baking paper and overlap them to make a large square. Drizzle with olive oil then place one filo sheet at a time on top, in a clockwise direction starting in the top left-hand corner to cover the surface area of the baking paper. Each layer will have four over lapping filo sheets. Drizzle with olive oil and continue arranging filo sheets in a clockwise direction until all have been used up. Don’t worry if there are some tears as this won’t matter once it’s cooked. Holding the baking paper and filo sheets from the top, drag it over your round dish or cast-iron pan so it’s directly in the middle and gently press the baking paper & filo into the pan.
  7. Spoon the spinach and cheese filling over the filo and spread it out evenly. Carefully crack one egg at a time into a cup and gently pour over the filling one at a time, so the yolk stays intact. Depending on the size of your eggs, you should fit 9-10 eggs. Try to arrange them evenly, ideally with a yolk right in the centre.
  8. Using a sharp knife or kitchen scissors trim the edges of the overhanging filo so it makes a rough circle. Gently fold the filo into the pie over the eggs, once again being careful not to break them. Drizzle olive oil over the top, scatter with sesame seeds and bake for around 45 minutes or until crunchy and golden brown. Serve with lemon wedges.


This recipe is part of a collection of delicious recipes we've curated with some of our favourite chefs to help you make a Meal to Remember with your family or friends at home. To see the whole collection click here.